Let me start by clarifying. Babu and Bibi are Angus' parents (Swahili for grandfather and grandmother as Angus' dad was born and raised there). Also the week count on the titles of these blogs is likely to get out of whack as I have just roughly correlated a weeks worth of travel which may have actually been anywhere from 5-10 days. Nevermind. Let's not split hairs.
Next was El Questro. Originally a 1 million acre cattle station turned 4WD and camping playground. The biggest operation in the Kimberley and the start of the Gibb River Road. The tourism side of it was fine but the scenery wasn’t laid on as we were expecting. Managed a couple of great gorge walks with waterholes but the lookout and Zebedee Springs were my highlight. Treated ourselves to a fancy dinner with the in-laws the last night.
Quote of the Week - Duke out of nowhere “It’s bery hard to talk under water”. Probably not for you Dukey Boy.
Radio song lyrics of the day “Trains, trains. My longterm, lifetime, love affair with trains…” Aaaah the simple country life…..
Headed back into Kununurra to return the outlaws, wave them off in an airport so tiny Eddie kept asking “when are we going to the airport?”. “This is it kid”. Eddie and Duke were seriously devastated that they weren’t going with their grandparents (Babu & Bibi) and attempted to breach security in order to go to their “fun house with tractors and rocks and special tv and Babu’s porridge”. Worse still was when friends of Babu and Bibi, John and Joan, who had been travelling with us set off in a different direction from us. I knew Eddie had been missing his friends to play with, I just didn’t realise he considered all generations as his “friends”. “Now I will really have no one to play with!”. Time to get more proactive in searching out families along this camping route.
Now to attempt grocery shopping for 3 weeks on the Gibb….without a working camper fridge. Not sure if I mentioned it doesn’t work and we had to buy a car fridge that we are using as a freezer. Fridge has become an oversized condiment and egg cupboard.
Things I thought would happen on this trip but haven’t…..yet.
Time to read, be creative, work, hand washing, cooking in camp oven over open fire, lessons for Eddie and lots of play time with Solly. Happy to let go of the hand washing but there is still time for eveything else to happen at least once. Just need to make sure Solly learns to roll!